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Image hathor, seshat et mut
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HATHOR, SESHAT ET MUT - Images pour l'écoles et l'éducation - ressources pédagogiques

Catégorie: Image L'Égypte ancienne > HATHOR, SESHAT ET MUT

Mots-clés: HATHOR, SESHAT ET MUT, rois égyptiens,

Image information

Hathor, wearing the hieroglyph for 'west' as a headdress. In this form she is identified as the mistress of the west, the land of the deceased. The iconography in this form is that of the goddess Imentet, a personification of necropolis of the west, but rather than being an independent deity Imentet appears to be no more than a manifestation of Hathor or Isis.

Seshat is the ancient Egyptian goddess of record-keeping and measurement. She is depicted as a woman in a leopard skin holding the hieroglyph for 'year' and a pen in hand to record the length of the pharaoh's reign. On her head is an emblem associated with Seshat.

Mut, an ancient Egyptian vulture goddess

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